Keelan's Home Page

This is me rounding Devil's Elbow in the 2003 Mt. Diablo Challenge. It is a bicycle race near the Bay Area, and I was one of 9 unicyclists in the pack that year. The total distance was 10.8 miles and the gain in elevation was 3,249 feet (my time 2:10).

About Me
I'm the SVP of Engineering and AI at Kasisto, Inc where I lead a team that develops conversational AI technology in the banking domain. Previously, I worked for 11 years in the NLP & Speech group at Educational Testing Service, where I conducted research on automated scoring of non-native spoken responses to assessments such as the TOEFL iBT and TOEIC. I received my PhD in 2009 from the University of Pennsylvania in the Linguistics Department. My thesis advisor was Bill Labov.

I have two blogs:


The title of my dissertation is The permeability of dialect boundaries: A case study of the region surrounding Erie, Pennsylvania. The entire dissertation can be downloaded from Penn's electronic disseration repository. Individual chapters are available here:

These are programs that I have written and found useful for my research. The quality of documentation, portability, usability, etc. varies widely among them. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about them, or if you'd like to suggest improvements.

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